OK, I borrowed “sublime” from James Kanter and Jody Espina, plus every clarinetist that has tried this mouthpiece! They’re right! I love my Chedeville Umbra and this mouthpiece is even more lovable. It has that wonderful Chedeville warmth, flexibility and colour and adds a firmer centre, a more contained ringing sound and is extremely easy to control (very important for a doubler like me.)
The flexibility and projection is wonderful! I’m in rehearsals for musical theatre right now and the swing passages and jazz articulation are great! The ‘piece sings and swings and also just shimmers doing the classical stuff.
A “Cinema” mouthpiece must be able to do everything and this one does!
Don’t you think that’s sublime? Just like the Espina-Kanter partnership?
Join the team! This mouthpiece is singing “You’ve Got A Friend in Me!”